An Le

Hi! My Name is An and I just started as a Software Engineer at IXL Learning this August. I currently do fullstack development for Rosetta Stone, one of IXL's many products. I graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Computer Science in Spring 2024.

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To be added, although you can see my CV for some of the projects I've worked on.


In my free time, I love to speed solve Rubik's Cubes of various sizes and shapes! I mostly practice NxN shaped cubes, leaning towards 5x5, 6x6, and 7x7. I've also been competing at official WorldCubeAssociation (WCA) competitions for more than 9 years and couunting! I also volunteer to help staff competititions in NorCal where I usually fulfill roles such as scrambling cubes and judging offical attempts. My official results can be found on my WCA Profile.

I'm also into custom mechanical keyboards! I have built 5 keyboards in total so far and love testing out different configurations to produce different typing experiences. Here is a list of the keyboard that I have built along with the parts used.